The Classified Employees’ Retirement Fund (CERF) provides for defined retirement benefits for eligible employees in the classified service of the City of Stamford. Employees covered by the pay plan (nonunion) and employees whose positions are included in the following bargaining units may be eligible for participation in the CERF: Municipal Supervisory Employees Union, United Auto Workers Local 2377, Stamford Municipal Nurses Association, International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 30 WPCA, International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 30 Operations, Public Health Dental Hygienists and Assistant Corporation Counsels Union. The terms of CERF are set forth in Sec. C7-30-1 through C7-30-12 of the City Charter and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

Staff Contacts

Kimberly Hawreluk
(203) 977-4172

John Guzzino
(203) 977-4155

Dr. Paula Russell Nisbett
(203) 977-4329

Board Members

Bonaparte, StevenClassified Employees Retirement Fund
Curtis, JeffPresident, Board of RepresentativesClassified Employees Retirement Fund, Food Truck Committee, Investment Advisory Committee, School Building Committee
Newman, EricOPEB CERF Pension Appointee, Investment Advisory Committee MemberClassified Employees Retirement Fund, Investment Advisory Committee, OPEB Board of Trustees
Rinaldi, Mary LouActing ChairClassified Employees Retirement Fund
Simmons, CarolineMayorClassified Employees Retirement Fund, Enterprise Zone Board, OPEB Board of Trustees, School Readiness Council, Stamford Transit District(203) 977-4150
Sun, JoyceClassified Employees Retirement Fund